Research Briefs
Designed to be distributed to a wide audience, these briefs summarize research findings in 2-page summaries.
Understanding how Language of Instruction Impacts Early Literacy Growth for Spanish-speaking Children

The purpose of the current study was to examine the relationship between preschool classroom language instruction and early literacy growth in 313 Spanish-English bilingual speaking preschoolers. Results show a significant amount of variability in child growth can be attributed to the classroom level. Rate of growth in early literacy skills did not depend on language of instruction.
Using IGDIs to Predict Kindergarten Early Reading Performance

The most efficient model to predict Kindergarten reading performance included all IGDIs except Rhyming. These results suggest that First Sounds, Picture Naming, Which One Doesn’t Belong, and Sound Identification create an ideal suite to predict kindergarten outcomes across domains.
Parent Education to Improve Early Language Development: A Preliminary Evaluation of LENA Start

Families who attended LENA Start demonstrated greater increases in overall adult word counts, conversational turns, and child vocalizations compared to families in the comparison group. Results provide preliminary evidence that LENA Start can be embedded into community-based parent education programs.