Hmong IGDIs
In partnership with St. Paul Public Schools and others, this project will develop a high quality, technically sound, and innovative preschool early language and screening tool in Hmong: Hmong Individual Growth and Development Indicators (Hmong-IGDIs). H-IGDIs will complement existing tools in English (IGDIs).The development of a Hmong screening measure will allow for seasonal assessment to provide meaningful data regarding intervention candidacy, and in turn, will provide contribute to databased decision making.
Study design
This project includes 3- to 5-year-old Hmong Dual Language Learners. Students will be recruited from the west (California) and the Midwest (Minnesota & Wisconsin) to recruit a diverse sample of dialects and regional representation.

Community Focus Groups
We will recruit community members, stakeholders and teachers for ongoing feedback and review of feasibility and utility of measures.

Student Assessment
A total of 760 Hmong children will participate in item testing, calibration and standard setting to develop measures.
At the end of this project, we expect Hmong IGDIs will be an assessment suite designed for screening Hmong language and early literacy development in 3-5 year old children with approximately 5 brief, easy to use, and psychometrically robust individual measures.

Research Findings
Last school year we designed and tested 8 different Hmong early literacy and language assessment measures with Hmong preschool children. Learn about our results in our Year 1 Research Report below or at z.umn.edu/HmongResearchBriefYear1
Nyob rau xyoo dhau los no thaum lub caij me nyuam kawm ntawv, peb tau tsim thiab ntsuas 8 qhov kev ntsuam xyuas ua lus Hmoob txog kev nyeem thiab sau ntawv thiab hais lus nrog me nyuam Hmoob uas kawm ntawv nyob rau preschool. Los kawm txog thaum xaus, cov ntsuam xyuas qhia tau li cas nyob rau hauv Daim Ntawv Qhia Txog Qhov Kev Tshawb Fawb Xyoo 1 hauv qab no los sis ntawm z.umn.edu/HmongResearchBriefYear1

Partnership Opportunities
We’re looking for new school partnerships! If you’re looking for better ways to understand language and early literacy skills of Multilingual Learners in your classroom and you have children who speak Hmong in your classrooms, get in touch!
Alisha Wackerle-Hollman, principal investigator
Lori Erikson, co-principal investigator