Are you looking for better ways to understand the language and early literacy skills of Dual Language Learners in your classrooms so you can better support their development in both languages?
We’re partnering with preschool sites to co-develop tools for assessing language and early literacy skills. We’re looking for classroom partners to help shape the tools, recruit students to participate in collaborative research, provide feedback and insight about the assessments, and help us build tools for teachers. Partners will benefit from classroom strategies for building a roadmap to support Dual Language Learners through assessment and intervention.

Purchasing IGDIs
Interested in using IGDIs across your district or organization to better understand language and literacy skills of your students in Spanish, Hmong or English? Email igdilab@umn.edu to request a demo and learn about purchasing IGDIs.

Research Partnerships
Are you interested in helping us develop new IGDI Lab products? Do you have students, educators, and administrators ready to try out cutting edge IGDI Lab content? Collaborators and partners will benefit from consultation to help your program utilize assessment systems that support Dual Language Learners and assist teachers in being empowered to review data, select targeted interventions, and see results in student progress. Sign up to be notified of opportunities below.

Job Opportunities
We’re often looking for ambitious, innovative folks interested in changing the landscape of early childhood assessment. We hire hourly community positions, student positions, and research assistantships. Email igdilab@umn.edu to be notified of job openings below.