From an equity-centered perspective, our current work focuses on expanding IGDIs by developing new assessment content in Hmong and Spanish, as well as building a new storybook assessment for preschool children with low language and early literacy skills in English and Spanish.
We have three active IES-funded projects:
- CASA: Computer-Adaptive Storybook Assessment
- APEL: Español
- Hmong IGDIs

CASA: Computer-Adaptive Storybook Assessment
This project will develop a computer-adaptive language and early literacy storybook assessment for preschoolers who have limited language skills, delays or disorders, or are at risk for limited language development in English and Spanish using a highly engaging, game-based application. Using stealth assessment and rigorous psychometrics, we will provide teachers with actionable information for intervention for low-performing, high risk preschoolers who speak English and Spanish.

APEL Español
The purpose of this project is to expand the suite of psychometrically robust measures for Spanish-speaking dual-language learners by developing and validating new measures for 3-year-olds. We will develop and vertically scale all new measures as well as develop and test a new digital platform to compile the entire suite of IGDI tools and improve the speed and efficiency of future measure development.

Hmong IGDIs
In partnership with St. Paul Public Schools and others, this project will develop a high quality, technically sound, and innovative preschool early language and screening tool in Hmong: Hmong Individual Growth and Development Indicators (Hmong-IGDIs). H-IGDIs will complement existing tools in English (IGDIs).The development of a Hmong screening measure will allow for seasonal assessment to provide meaningful data regarding intervention candidacy, and in turn, will provide contribute to databased decision making.