In Memoriam: Barbara Taylor Bowman (1928-2024)
We were saddened to hear of Barbara Bowman’s passing. The Director of the Chicago Longitudinal Study, Arthur Reynolds, paid tribute to her in this letter linked below. Barbara Taylor Bowman (1928-202
- New MCPC study shows how schools can maximize full-day pre-k’s benefits. November 28, 2023 Link to the study
- New research links high-quality early childhood education to higher postsecondary graduation rates for children who have experienced trauma. October 5, 2023
- CPC preschool participation is found to be associated with significantly lower rates of adverse health outcomes such as smoking, diabetes, and body-mass index in mid-adulthood (age 35-37), a benefit-cost ratio in the range of $1.35–3.66 for the health benefits (net benefit: $3896). May 2022
Celebrating the completion of the Age 35/37 interview project today! Thanks to all who have participated! We close the interview project at 1,104 completes. Thanks to all who have participated!
Celebrating 1000 completed interviews today!
Thanks to all who have participated! We hope to talk to those of you who have not completed the survey before we wrap up the interview project.
This morning our CLS team celebrated 800 completed surveys!!
We could not enjoy this delicious cake without all of our wonderful participants like YOU. We are truly thankful for your participation and willingness to help us improve schools and the lives of children and families today!
We met with 5 amazing CLS participants last week. So cool to hear their stories and spend time together!
CPCs Make National News!
- President Obama cited CLS research in 2013 State of the Union and recent remarks in 2015.
- Reynolds’ research in full-day preschool shows increased school readiness and reduced absences. Video from JAMA
- Education Week
- Minnesota Public Radio report
- Medical Daily
- TV news story
Archived News
- This program helped children in poverty increase their chances of becoming higher earners by 50% October 11, 2019
- Science News: Large-Scale Early Education Linked to Higher Living Standards and Crime Prevention 25 Years Later. June 10, 2011.
- Early Childhood to Young Adulthood: Intervention and Alterable Influences on Well-Being, Special Issue, Children and Youth Services Review, Volume 32, Issue 8, August 2010.
- Chicago study seals the health and education connection, June 2009
- Reynolds, A. J. (Chair). (2009). Prevention, Return on Investment, and Early Childhood Programs. Invited symposium presented at the Biennial Meeting of Society for Research in Child Development in Denver, CO, April 2009.
- News Release, August 7, 2007, University of Minnesota
- News Release, August 7, 2007, NIH
- CLS Newsletter Vol. 3 (2006)
- News Release, January, 2003
- Press Release, May 8, 2001