Site Map

  1. Study Overview
  2. Program Introduction
    1. Program Overview and History
    2. Eligibility
    3. Program Organization and Components
    4. Curriculum
    5. Parent Program
    6. Program Contacts
  3. Community Overview
    1. Community Area (Map)
    2. Photos of Community
  4. Measures and Data collection
    1. Surveys
      1. Adult Survey
      2. Parent Survey 1997
      3. Student Survey 1995
      4. Teacher Survey 1992
      5. Teacher Survey 1991
      6. Parent Survey 1990-92
      7. Student Survey 1989
      8. Parent Survey 1988
      9. Teacher Survey 1986
    2. Data Collection
  5. Current Reports and Activities
    1. Executive Summaries
      1. Summary of Cost-Benefit Report
      2. CLS Newsletter Vol. 3 (2006)
    2. Press Release
    3. Effects of the Child-Parent Centers
    4. Paths of Program Effects
    5. Alterable Factors and Child Development
    6. Case Studies and Ethnographies
    7. High School Experiences
    8. Methodology Issues
  6. Bibliography
  7. Conferences
  8. Other Links
  9. What’s New
  10. CLS Staff
  11. Contact Us
  12. Site Map