Study Overview

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The First Seven Lessons from the Chicago Longitudinal Study.

Presentation at Human Capital Research Collaborative National Invitational Conference, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Oct. 8 and 9, 2015.

Arthur Reynolds is co-director of the Human Capital Research Collaborative and a professor of child development at the University of Minnesota, as well as serving as director of the Chicago Longitudinal Study (CLS) of the Child-Parent Centers (CPC) of Chicago. As CLS director, Reynolds has managed, over a span of two decades, one of the largest longitudinal studies of the effects of early childhood programs. Through a partnership with Chicago schools and many government agencies, the project has amassed a rich array of program evidence for over 1,500 CPC graduates. Reynolds’ research interests include the effects of early childhood intervention on children’s development from school entry to early adulthood, family and school influences on children’s educational success, and the determinants of economic and social well-being in early adulthood.

Reflecting on the Perry Preschool and Chicago Longitudinal Studies

Presented at Big Ten Early Learning Alliance Online discussions on early childhood research and policy, December 11, 2024

The Perry Preschool Project and Chicago Longitudinal Study are two landmark studies demonstrating the value of high-quality early childhood education for children and society. With data collection starting in 1962, the Perry Preschool Project was one of the first real cohort studies in the field of early childhood education. Kicking off in 1986, the Chicago Longitudinal Study is the largest and longest running. Featuring experts from the Big Ten Early Learning Alliance, this event reflected on the value of these two studies and how they apply to today’s current context.