Since its inception in 1982, the Minnesota Early Intervention Summer Institute has been offering Minnesota’s early childhood special educators and their cross-sector partners high quality professional development. The Summer Institute provides early childhood professionals the opportunity to focus deeply on one topic. The research and evidence-based practices learned while at the Summer Institute promote professionals’ knowledge, skills, and resources that can be used immediately in their work with young children and their families.
Held at St. John’s University in Collegeville, Minnesota, Summer Institute’s setting and structure is designed with the whole professional in mind: It offers participants the chance to learn emerging and rigorous content presented by field experts, while at the same time facilitating socializing with and learning from like-minded professionals. St. John’s beautiful campus offers participants respite from the demands of daily schedules and encourages two days of self-care and reflection.
Funding for the Summer Institute is made possible with a grant from the Minnesota Department of Education, federal award Grants to State – Special Education – Preschool Grants, CFDA 84.173A of P.L. 108-466 IDEA and amendment thereto.