Project Archive
IGDIs – PK3, extension of Individual Growth and Development Indicators (IGDIs)
An extension of the existing Individual Growth and Development Indicators (IGDIs) measurement system, IGDIs – PK3 will assess the language and literacy development of three-year-olds. These measures will lead to improvements in school readiness for preschool children by providing an age appropriate assessment from age three to kindergarten entry.
Progress Monitoring Individual Growth and Development Indicators (PM-IGDIs)
Progress Monitoring Individual Growth and Development Indicators (PM-IGDIs) will develop a set of tools to assess young children’s language and literacy skills at frequent intervals and depict performance trajectories over time to aid in identifying children in need of intervention. Specifically, PM-IGDIs will examine four-and five-year-olds’ phonological awareness, oral language, alphabet knowledge and comprehension.
Progress Monitoring – Spanish – Individual Growth and Development Indicators (PM – S – IGDIs)
Progress Monitoring – Spanish – Individual Growth and Development Indicators (PM – S – IGDIs) will use procedures and analyses similar to PM-IGDIs to develop a set of tools to frequently measure Spanish early language and literacy performance of young Spanish-English Dual Language Learners. PM-S-IGDIs will examine four and five-year-olds’ Spanish phonological awareness, oral language and alphabet knowledge.
Individual Growth and Development Indicators: automated Applications for Performance Evaluation of Early Literacy (IGDI-APEL)
This project will design, test and evaluate the feasibility, usability and promise of IGDI-APEL, a tablet-device application that provides a comprehensive early literacy RTI experience for early childhood educators including assessment (Individual Growth and Development Indicators 2.0 (IGDIs 2.0) for screening/identification & progress monitoring), real-time interactions with student data, and a RTI data-based decision making framework. In this proposal we will specify and develop IGDI-APEL using a systematic plan to incorporate iterative development feedback through a series of field-testing and pilot studies, a description of supporting training and materials and an evaluation of teacher behaviors and student early literacy outcomes to examine the promise of IGDI-APEL as a robust tool for improving school readiness and early literacy educational decision making.
Past projects – CEED@UROC, EPsy, IGDILab
The effects of an online data-based language intervention decision-making system for professionals serving at-risk infants and toddlers
This project evaluates empirically the efficacy of a software-based assessment, intervention design, and monitoring system for home visiting interventions designed to promote language development among young children living in poverty and with special needs.
Spanish Individual Growth and Development Indicators
This project, conducted collaboratively by researchers at the University of Minnesota and Utah State University, will develop, evaluate, and test the implementation of a newly designed suite of Spanish Individual Growth and Development Indicators (S-IGDIs). S-IGDIs specifically target assessment of Spanish-speaking preschool children’s early literacy and language skills in Spanish.
Learn more about the S-IGDIs project.
Center for Response to Intervention in Early Childhood (CRtIEC)
Affiliate products
Early Learning Labs | myIGDIs
Early Learning Labs provides assessments and services to help parents and early child-care providers develop “kindergarten-ready” children. myIGDIs is a dedicated data manager that allows monitoring of children’s growth and development.