Family Social Science has attracted graduate students from across the country and the globe who have brought their unique perspectives and experiences and helped grow the breadth and depth of research into diverse families.
Eight students and Dr. Jan Hogan from FSoS attended the Second Annual Research Symposium on Child and Family Issues in Fargo, ND, in 1994, hosted by North Dakota State University. Presentations addressed diversity in family life, including American Indian fathers, adoption, family decision-making, family protective factors and family characteristics as predictors of treatment participation. Pictured here are (left to right): Tim Balke, Angus McDonald, Monica Fraser, Nicole Ross, Mary Ann Marchel, Carol Eide, Dr. Jan Hogan, Tim Barber, Tai Mendenhall, Jennifer Wing, James Montoya.
The 1992 graduate student cohort, back row (left to right): Jane Bennet, Peg Plumbo, Monica Frasier, Jill Frost, Farrell Webb; front row (l to r): Mary Sutherland, Nicole Ross, Lori Kaplan. Not pictured: Debbie Simmons. Can you help us identify these students? Please email Julie Michener,
FSOS Alumni and then-current students at the Department’s 25th anniversary celebration in 1995. Left to right, front row: Deborah Simmons, Walter Bera, Jr., Kathleen O’Donnell, Farrell Webb, Anna Hagemeister, Connie Trnka, Seonju Jang; back row: Tim Balke, Lori Kaplan, Jane Tornatore, Jennifer Wing, Judy Tiesel, Ramona Oswald, Joyce Piper, Dean Gorall, Sylvia Arce Esnaola, Beth Magistad, Amy Esau.
In 1993, FSOS welcomed a new graduate student cohort including, (back row, left to right): Dean Gorall, Ramona Oswald, Michelle Johnson, Vicky Tam, Joyce Messner; (front row, l to r): Beth Maddock, Manijeh Danespour, Jennifer Wing. The 1995 graduate student cohort. Front row (left to right): Poonsuck Wachwithan, Julie Kohler, Dawn Reckinger, Laura Stanton-Duff, Belle Yaffe. Back row (l to r): Shuji Asai, Susan Jack, Derek Gwinn, Ronit Leichtentritt, Joe Reid, Ed Kouneski.
Holli Kelly is a 2014 PhD alumna in Family Social Science and 2021 CEHD Rising Alumni honorees. Among her unique experiences as a grad student was the opportunity to study at the Tibetan Medical Institute of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and participate in a Tibetan Medicine, Ayurveda, and Mindfulness workshop in Dharamsala, India during the summer of 2013. She is pictured far left in the photo the Minnesota contingent got with His Holiness.
The 1993 graduate student cohort. Front row (left to right): Ciloue Stewart, Tim Balke, Lynn Heitritter, Terri Nelsen. Middle row (l to r): Julia Loupe, Ellen van Nood, Tim Barber. Back row (l to r): James Montoya, Al Holloway. The 1996 graduate student cohort included (back row, left to right): Manfred van Dulmen, Wendy Whelihan, Kurt Wical, Mary Jo McCracken; (front row, l to r): Amy Berg, Raksha Gates, Cathey Huddleston.