The Women and Infants Study of Health, Emotions and Stress (WISHES) is a collaboration between the Institute of Child Development at the University of Minnesota and Women’s Health Specialist Clinic at the University of Minnesota Riverside Medical Center. WISHES is interested in understanding women’s health, emotions, and stress during pregnancy, and how their baby grows and develops before birth and in the first few years of their lives.
In this study, we are looking for pregnant women who:
- Are currently less than 13 weeks pregnant with a single baby
- Speak English
- Do not use nicotine, or steroid medication
Participation involves five to six prenatal visits (between nine and 39 weeks) and one or more postnatal visits (at least one at 3-6 months after birth). Each visit would last 90 minutes to two hours. Participants receive cash or gift cards for their time.
If you would like more information about this study, please feel free to contact Colleen Doyle at 651-332-4442 or at