Research Participant FAQ

When does the study take place?
If you qualify for the study, we will arrange a time for your participation that works best for your family. We are available at your convenience and we appreciate your participation.

Where can I park if I participate in a study?
You will be able to park in the garage at the Masonic Institute of the Developing Brain for free.

How will I be compensated? Will I get paid?
Yes, all participants are reimbursed/compensated for taking part in all of our studies, depending on the time commitment for the study and the nature of the particular study. We also provide parking adjacent to our building for all research participants who will be driving to campus.

Can I specify which studies I’m interested in participating in or will I always be considered for all of your studies?
Yes, you can specify whether you are interested in participating in our computer tasks, eye tracking tasks, behavioral tasks, and/or MRI studies. We would contact you only for the type(s) of studies that you have expressed an interest in.

What is the research going to be used for?
We collect data and information to publish in academic journals on child development. These published articles do not contain identifying information (such as names or initials) about the children in our studies. We are not conducting analyses of each individual child; rather, we are collecting information about general performance outputs to determine developmental patterns.

Will I receive my child’s assessment results?
For most of our current studies, a report of your child’s assessment scores can be made available to you upon request. If our trained clinicians & researchers have any concerns about your child’s development, they may provide you with additional resources for you to seek out further assessment & care for your child.

Can I hear about the results of the study?
Participants will be able to access our newsletter from our E-Lab website. The newsletter will discuss new findings in child development as well as the results of studies conducted in our lab. Additionally, information on the website will be updated regularly on our findings.

Will the data collected from my child during the visit be confidential?
Yes. After your visit, your demographic information will be separately stored from your child’s performance on the research tasks. Videos recorded during the sessions will be put in a locked area that only trained experimenters have access to. When writing up results, no personal information will be used to link individuals to the study.

What is an MRI scanner / What does the MRI procedure entail?
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is a method of obtaining 3-D images of the brain. It is different from an X-ray in the sense that there is no radiation involved. It is a non-invasive procedure. All children being scanned will do so during natural sleep (i.e., involving no sedation).

Will you be able to detect abnormalities in my child’s brain from the MRI?
Probably not. The data and MRI images are for research purposes only and are not intended to provide healthcare inquiries for your child. However, if the results from the MRI show something unusual, a pediatric radiologist trained in reading the images will provide a report and recommendation. The principal investigator, Dr. Jed Elison, will contact you if the radiologist suspects abnormal development.

Can I stay with my child during the course of the study?
Of course! Your child will be in your lap or right next to you for the entire visit. If your child is older (>=3 years old) and is comfortable with separating from you, we may ask you to go to an adjacent room during the assessment.

What if my baby gets fussy?
We schedule enough time to allow for this, don’t worry! Kids will get fussy, but we schedule enough time for your child to get breaks and then we will resume whenever he/she is comfortable again. Participation is always voluntary. If you would like to come back another time or reschedule we are happy to accommodate. Our goal is for your child to be comfortable and have as much fun as possible!

Can I bring other children with me?
Yes, we have a family playroom and we will arrange for a research assistant to come and play with your other children during the study activities.