Tridimensional (3D) acculturation

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Ferguson, G. M., Causadias, J. M., & Simenec, T. S. (2023). Acculturation and psychopathology. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 19(1), 381–411. Click here for [PDF].

Ferguson, G. M., Senesathith, V., & Ibrahim, S. (in press). How Parenting Facilitates
Adolescents’ Tricultural Identity Development: A Mixed Methods Collective Case Study of Tridimensionally Acculturating Black Jamaican Immigrant Families”. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. Click here for [PDF].

Simenec, T. S., Ibrahim, S. A., Gillespie, S., Banegas, J., & Ferguson, G. M. (2024). Feasibility, Acceptability, and Effectiveness Pilot Study of a Culturally Adapted and Digitized Food-Focused Media Literacy Intervention: JUS Media? Global Classroom–Somali American. Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science, 1-12. Click here for [PDF].

Hodges, H. R., Gillespie, S., Cherubini, F. D., Ibrahim, S. A., Gibson, H., Ali Daad, A. M., Davis, S. L., Abdi, S. M., Senesathith, V., Food, Culture, and Health Study Data Collection Team, & Ferguson, G. M. (2024). Ethical applications of digital community-based research with black immigrant and refugee youth and families. American Psychologist, 79(1), 9–23.

Ahn, R. J., Nelson, M. R., Eales, L., Da Silva Cherubini, F., Simenec, T. S., Ali, A., Davis, S. L., & Ferguson, G. M. (2023). Exploring persuasion knowledge, identity-related media use, and ad skepticism of Black Immigrant and Refugee Adolescents. Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising, 1–23.

Eales, L., Banegas, J., Da Silva Cherubini, F., Ibrahim, S. A., Ahn, R. J., Nelson, M.R., Dwivedi, R., & Ferguson, G. M. (in press). Screening Parenting-Adolescent Relationships, Screen Behaviors, Tridimensional Acculturation, and Health among Black Immigrant and Refugee Adolescents during Dual Pandemics. Journal of Family Psychology. Click here for [PDF].

Simenec, T. S., Gillespie, S., Hodges, H. R., Ibrahim, S. A., Eckerstorfer, S., & Ferguson, G. M. (2022). A novel blueprint storyboarding method using digitization for efficient cultural adaptation of prevention programs to serve diverse youth and Communities. Prevention Science, 24(4), 688–700.

Simenec, T.S., Banegas, J., Para Cardona, J.R., & Gewirtz, A. (2022).Culturally responsive targeted social media marketing to facilitate engagement with the Parenting in the Moment program. Journal of Child and Family Studies. Click here for [PDF].

Nguyen, J., & Ferguson, G. M. (2019). “I kind of have a goal when I do it”: The phenomenology of cultural variability in Southeast Asian American tricultural emerging adults. Emerging Adulthood, 8(5), 382-396. doi: 10.1177/2167696819860392. Click here for [PDF]

Nguyen, J., & Ferguson, G. M. (2019). A global cypher: The role of hip hop in cultural identity construction and navigation for Southeast Asian American youth. In J. McKenzie (Ed.), Globalization as a Context for Youth Development. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 164, 99–115. doi: 10.1002/cad.20279. Click here for [PDF]

Ferguson, G. M., & Birman, D. (2016). Acculturation in the United States of America. In D. Sam, & J. Berry (Eds), pp. 396-416. Cambridge handbook of acculturation psychology (2nd ed.). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Click here for [PDF]

Ferguson, G. M., Iturbide, M. I., & Gordon, B. P. (2014). Tridimensional (3D) acculturation: Ethnic identity and psychological functioning among tricultural Jamaican immigrants. International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation, 3(4), 238-251. doi: 10.1037/ipp0000019. Click here for [PDF]

Ferguson, G. M., & Bornstein, M. H. (2014). Tridimensional (3D) acculturation: Culture and adaptation of Black Caribbean immigrants in the United States. In R. Dimitrova, M., Bender, & F, van de Vijver (Eds), Global perspectives on well-being in immigrant families (pp. 31-51). New York: Springer Science Business + Media. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-9129-3. Click here for [PDF]

Ferguson, G. M., (2013). The BIG difference a small island can make: How Jamaican adolescents are advancing acculturation science. Child Development Perspectives, 7, 248-254. doi: 10.1111/cdep.12051. Click here for [PDF]

Ferguson, G. M., Bornstein, M. H., & Pottinger, A. M. (2012). Tridimensional acculturation and adaptation among Jamaican adolescent-mother dyads in the United States. Child Development, 83(5), 1486-1493. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8624.2012.01787.x Click here for [PDF]