JUS Media? Global Classroom – Somali American Version (JMGC-SA)

Simenec, T. S., Ibrahim, S. A., Gillespie, S., Banegas, J., & Ferguson, G. M. (2024). Feasibility, Acceptability, and Effectiveness Pilot Study of a Culturally Adapted and Digitized Food-Focused Media Literacy Intervention: JUS Media? Global Classroom–Somali American. Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science, 1-12. https://doi-org.ezp3.lib.umn.edu/10.1007/s41347-024-00413-x. Click here for [PDF].

JUS Media Global Classroom – Somali American Version (JMGC-SA) is a culturally adapted version of JMGC-JI for Somali American adolescents. The program teaches media literacy skills and local nutritional guidelines to empower students to foster healthy eating habits including culturally specific eating habits around Ramadan.

Our team piloted JMGC-SA in a local Somali charter school in Minneapolis. We found the program to be feasible, rated acceptable by participating students, and effective at improving intentions to eat a healthier diet. Learn more about the pilot study results including what students thought about the program in the infographic below.

We know educators and students are busy — that is why JMGC-SA is ‘plug and play’! We can facilitate JMGC-SA lessons remotely (e.g., on zoom) as a guest presentation, or we can provide you access to the video curriculum and activity sheets for educators who prefer to be more hands on.

Interested in learning more? Want to bring JMGC-SA to your institution? Click here to sign up!