Predictors of Health Outcomes Research Study

Predictors of Health Outcomes Research Study

Principal Investigator: Dr. Stephanie Carlson

About the study: We are conducting a research study to examine the predictors of health outcomes in later in life.

What will you need to do: You will complete online surveys for up to 60 minutes and your child will complete online surveys for 90 minutes about yourselves and your family status once a year, for four years.

Some children will be randomly selected to also participate in a 120-minute Zoom session, once a year, for four years. During this session, your child would play games and complete surveys with a researcher.


  • You and your child must both be English-speaking
  • Your child must be in the 4th OR 8th grade in the 2024-2025 school year
  • You must be located in the USA


  • Up to $40 a year for children 9-12
  • Up to $50 a year for children 13-17
  • $10 a year for a caregiver

If you are interested, please complete our interest form.