In the media

Working on the Workforce. CEHD Connect, April 2022
The new Workforce Development and Research Lab brings together experts from diverse fields to solve complicated challenges.

University of Minnesota researchers find AI can advance business — but not without humans. Star Tribune, February 2023
Northside Job Creation Team Sustainability Report

Sisco, S., Yu, X., & Verret, D. (May 2024).
This report documents the joint efforts of the Northside Job Creation Team (NJCT), the University of Minnesota’s Workforce Development and Research Lab (WDRL), and the Urban Research and OutreachEngagement Center (UROC) to examine what internal factors contribute to the sustainability of the NJCT?
Academic articles
(Sorted chronologically by year, then A-Z by title)
Conservation entrepreneurship: a new frontier in conservation science
Lobo, D., Ardichvili, A., & Reich, P. (2023). Conservation entrepreneurship: a new frontier in conservation science. Biological Conservation. Published online first in April 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2023.110078
What does caring HRD look like in practice? A case study of two social enterprises in Brazil
Rodriguez, A. C., Lobo, D., Ardichvili, A., & Casa Nova, S. (2023). What does caring HRD look like in practice? A case study of two social enterprises in Brazil. Human Resource Development International, 26(5), 500-520. DOI: 10.1080/13678868.2022.2160886
Asilomar: A historical study of the role of the YWCA in women’s leadership development as an absent narrative in the history of HRD.
Bartlett, K. R., Madsen, S., Valesano, M., & Feng, Y. (2022 – In press). Asilomar: A historical study of the role of the YWCA in women’s leadership development as an absent narrative in the history of HRD. Human Resource Development Review, 24.
Five practices for building local capacity in sustainability-driven entrepreneurship for place-based transformations
Lobo, D., Rodriguez, C., Casa Nova, S., & Ardichvili, A. (2022). Five practices for building local capacity in sustainability-driven entrepreneurship for place-based transformations. Sustainability, 14(5), 3027.
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The impact of artificial intelligence on expertise development: implications for HRD
Ardichvili, A. (2022). The impact of Artificial Intelligence on expertise development: Implications for HRD. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 24(2), 78-98.
Leadership development in the age of the Great Resignation
Leimbach, M. (2022). Leadership development in the age of the Great Resignation. Training.
Exploring the smart future of participation: Community, inclusivity and people with disabilities
Bricout, J.C., Baker, P.M.A., Moon, N.W., & Sharma, B. (2021). Exploring the smart future of participation: Community, inclusivity and people with disabilities. International Journal of E-Planning Research, 10(2), 94-108. DOI: 10.4018/IJEPR.20210401.oa8
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Initiative climate, psychological safety and knowledge sharing as predictors of team creativity: A multilevel study of research and development project teams
Liu, Y., Keller, R. T., & Bartlett, K. R. (2021). Initiative climate, psychological safety and knowledge sharing as predictors of team creativity: A multilevel study of research and development project teams. Creativity and Innovation Management, 30(3), 498-510.
The ‘humane in the loop’: Inclusive research design and policy approaches to foster capacity building assistive technologies in the COVID-19 era
Bricout, J.C., Greer, J., Fields, J., Xu, L., Tamplain, P., Doelling, K., & Sharma, B. (2021). The ‘humane in the loop’: Inclusive research design and policy approaches to foster capacity building assistive technologies in the COVID-19 era. Assistive Technology. https://doi:10.1080/10400435.2021.1930282.
Critical factors impacting interdisciplinary university research teams of small size: a multiple-case study
Tkachenko, O., & Ardichvili, A. (2020). Critical factors impacting interdisciplinary university research teams of small size: A multiple-case study. Team Performance Management, 26(1/2), 53-69.
Examining the link between corporate social responsibility and human resources: implications for HRD research and practice
Jang, S., & Ardichvili, A. (2020). Examining the link between corporate social responsibility and human resources: Implications for HRD research and practice. Human Resource Development Review, 19(2), 183-211.
Learning futures with mixed sentience
Bricout, J.C., Sharma, B., Baker, P.M.A., Behal, A., & Bolini, L. (2017). Learning futures with mixed sentience. Futures Journal, 87, 91-105.