Goals and competencies

The goal of Project I-LEAD is to reduce local personnel shortage by preparing scholars to be practice leaders in their school contexts by enhancing their preparation to engage in effective, interdisciplinary, collaborative research-based services for students with severe LD who have high intensity needs. 

Project I-LEAD competencies are specifically designed to support scholars in meeting the needs of students with severe learning disabilities (LD) in schools where we are currently experiencing a local personnel shortage of fully qualified school psychologists and special educators competent to provide research-based practices for these students. 

Through shared coursework, fieldwork experience, and interdisciplinary proseminar, scholars will develop specialized competencies in:

  1. Data-based decision-making;
  2. Research use;
  3. Individualization; and
  4. Collaboration in the context of needs and services for students with severe LD.

Data-based decision-making.

Project I-LEAD scholars will:

  • Apply research-based principles of measurement and assessment to select, implement, and interpret assessment instruments and practices for students with severe LD;
  • Apply and integrate multiple methods of data collection to determine students’ needs, identify appropriate services, and evaluate the effectiveness of practices and services for students with LD; and
  • Identify factors that influence educational outcomes and experiences of students with LD who come from culturally, linguistically, and socioeconomically diverse backgrounds.

Research use.

Project I-LEAD scholars will:

  • Identify and critically evaluate professional information on LD from lay/general and scholarly outlets;
  • Identify and evaluate emergent issues in the LD field through critical consumerism of scholarly research; and
  • Understand and apply principles of evidence-based practice to identify appropriate practice in specific contexts.


Project I-LEAD scholars will:

  • Integrate student data and scholarly literature to identify appropriate individualized interventions for individuals with LD;
  • Apply principles of differentiated instruction to support students’ academic, social-emotional, behavioral, and functional outcomes; and 
  • Identify, implement, and evaluate research-based educational and assistive technology to support students’ academic, social-emotional, behavioral, and functional outcomes.


Project I-LEAD scholars will:

  • Identify and implement appropriate collaborative practices that account for individual and family characteristics, needs, and preferences; 
  • Appropriately consult and collaborate with diverse providers and other stakeholders to support individual students; 
  • Understand and reflect on the influence of personal and professional attitudes and biases on decision making and interactions with students, families, and colleagues; and
  • Apply research-based practices to promote non-discrimination, prevent stigma and bias, and promote high expectations, and culturally appropriate practice for students with LD.