Women and Infants Study of Health, Emotions, and Stress

The Women and Infants Study of Health, Emotions and Stress (WISHES) is a collaboration between the Institute of Child Development at the University of Minnesota and Women’s Health Specialist Clinic at the University of Minnesota Riverside Medical Center. WISHES is interested in understanding women’s health, emotions and stress during pregnancy, and how their baby grows and develops before birth and in the first few years of life.

Participation involves up to 6 prenatal visits and one post-natal visit. Prenatal visits include tasks such as fetal monitoring to measure baby’s heart rate, collection of small hair sample to measure maternal stress hormone, complete questionnaires and interview, and complete a short computer game to track eye movements. Post-natal visits could include infant behavioral assessments and MRI brain scans.

As of March 2020, WISHES has completed enrollment. To learn more about this study click on this link , or contact Colleen Doyle at wishes.umn@gmail.com.

Read updates from the WISHES Study: 2020 data collection update