Job Description
Position Purpose:
This internship position will include experiences in the following areas in Twin Cities German Immersion School, a K-8 German immersion school, with 40 hours per week of intern experience, and at least 2+ hours of individual direct supervision per week.
Job Functions/Training Experiences:
- Traditional school psychological services via Special Education
- Conduct special education evaluations, including problem identification, assessment selection and administration, result interpretation and team eligibility decisions, and documentation according to state and federal requirements and relevant ethical guidelines
- Support delivery of some special education services as specified in Individual Education Plans, by conducting individual or group intervention and consulting with general and special education colleagues
- School psychological services moving toward a tiered model of service delivery
- Coordinate problem solving team (School Wide Support Team; SWST), including scheduling, record keeping, permissions, data management, and alignment with potential Alternative Delivery of Specialized Instructional Services (ADSIS) grant requirements
- Coordinate and implement Tier I (general ed via consultation) and Tier II interventions for individual or groups of students, including appropriate assessment and progress monitoring (potentially ADSIS intervention hours)
- Analyze assessment and intervention data and develop data-based decision-making protocols across tiers of service delivery
- Assist with staff training and supervision of staff providing tiered services and interventions
- Assessment, evaluation, and research services
- Assist in selection, administration, and/or interpretation of assessments (e.g., Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment data, Deutsche SprachDiplom data, universal screening data, etc.) to inform instruction or fulfill other school needs (e.g. grants, initiatives, accountability requirements, improvement plans, etc.)
- Conduct analyses or research as needed to support decision making, evaluate effectiveness of programs or interventions, etc.
- Other duties as assigned.
- Balance of time among above experiences to be determined by intern’s professional goals, APPIC/CDSPP requirements, as well as school needs.
Minimum Qualifications:
- Completed Master’s Degree in School Psychology
- Enrolled in an Educational Specialist or Doctoral Degree Program for School Psychologists
- Experience with multi-tiered systems of support, including academic and behavior interventions
- Ability to communicate with students, parents, co-workers, supervisors and the community in a positive and responsive way that is consistently welcoming and enhances effective work relationships
- Ability to demonstrate an appreciation of diversity in all interactions and job functions
Preferred Qualifications
- Training or experience with Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
- Training or experience with Responsive Classroom behavior management framework
- Training or experience with bilingual literacy acquisition
- Training or experience in immersion or bilingual education
- Experience with systems change toward response to intervention from traditional school psychology service delivery framework
- Ability to comprehend spoken and written German
- Strong data management skills
- Familiarity with screening and progress monitoring online systems, such as FastBridge Learning
- Familiarity with online special education forms management systems, such as SpedForms
For questions about the position, please contact:
Carol Mecklenburg