2025-27 Regional Cohort Application

Application Deadline: March 1, 2025

Is your Region Interested in Hosting the Next Minnesota Principals Academy Cohort?

The Minnesota Principals Academy has successfully served over 700 principals across the state of Minnesota since its establishment at the University of Minnesota in 2006. As a result of legislative funding, we have been able to offer this excellent professional development at a reduced cost in a regional location in greater Minnesota. We are optimistic that this funding will continue in the current legislative session, and are excited to announce that the application process for hosting the next regional cohort of the Minnesota Principals Academy has opened.

Two new cohorts are slated to begin in the fall of 2025: one will be in the Twin Cities and one in a regional center that serves principals in greater Minnesota. It is the intention of the University, in collaboration with MESPA, MASSP, and MASA to select a location that serves a group of principals who are eager to engage in this 18-month professional development program, who have the support of their districts, and who have a commitment to collaboration in their region.

This page outlines the steps and supports available for the application process. Please note: there is no application form. Applications should consist of a narrative containing the requested information outlined below and any additional support documents.

Application Steps, Details, and Deadline

Step 1: Establish a Guiding Coalition

Regional cohort applicants must have 25-35 committed participants to be considered for selection. We suggest a regional leader engage with the region’s superintendents first to see if they support the financial commitment ($1750/year) and time commitment (28 total days over two years) of their administrators participating in the Academy. Materials outlining the Academy’s purpose, curriculum, example cohort schedules, testimonials from past participants, and achieved Action Learning Projects can be found on this website, along with some basic “fast facts.”

In addition, Dr. Katie Pekel, MPA Director and Executive Director of Educational Leadership at the University of Minnesota, would be happy to attend a regional meeting to share more information about the Academy and answer any questions superintendents or participants may have, or to put superintendents in contact with colleagues who have had their principals participate in the program. 

Step 2: Secure Potential Participants

Once regional support is evident, securing potential participants to reach the 25-35 cohort size will be necessary. We suggest using MESPA and MASSP division communication and meetings to share the potential of a cohort in the region. Dr. Pekel would encourage interested principals to attend any regional information meetings, and is also happy to put prospective participants in contact with current or past participants. Once there is a general understanding of the program, it will be important to gain commitments from prospective participants. Submitting potential participant names, positions, and districts will be helpful to an application. While the funding from the legislature is intended first for principals and assistant principals, we do encourage other school administrators to engage if the host region agrees. This could include superintendents; directors of special services, special education, curriculum, human resources, or professional development; or other administrators directly engaged in leading the district for improved student outcomes.

Step 3: Secure a Host Site

Traditionally regions have excellent resources for hosting professional development programs such as the Principals Academy. This could include a school site, district office, service cooperative, or any location that can comfortably host 30-35 participants and allow for catered lunch to be brought into the site. We prefer space that allows for flexible grouping in tables, has reliable technology including overhead projector, sound and internet access, and is centrally located or convenient for most regional participants to get to. If the region can work out a way for the space to be used at no cost, that is preferable. We have had excellent support from our current past sites at SWWC Cooperative in Marshall, Lakes Country Cooperative in Fergus Falls, and Sourcewell in Staples. They not only physically hosted the Academy, but also enrolled key educational leaders from their organizations to learn alongside their participants for immediate support and the intention to lead ongoing regional collaboration once the Academy concludes. 

Step 4: Write an Application and Submit by March 1, 2025

A narrative application should be written and submitted to Dr. Pekel at kpekel@umn.edu at the University of Minnesota addressing each of the points below. Selection of the Greater Minnesota Regional Cohort will be made by April 1 in consultation with MESPA, MASSP, and MASA.

Application Components

Location Rationale

This should include the specific location of the proposed cohort and rationale as to why this is a good next regional hub for the Academy. Evidence could include the commitment of the region to collaboration in the past, relationships among the districts, cooperation with other supporting agencies like a service cooperative or Regional Center of Excellence.  A specific site for the Academy to meet should be included as well as the potential terms for use of the site.

District/Participant Commitment

Specific commitments from the region’s superintendents will greatly enhance an application. We suggest incorporating the district and participant commitment into one letter from each district outlining the superintendent’s commitment and the names of the prospective participants. If there were to be more than 35 individuals interested in participation, we will use individual applications for selection as we do in the Twin Cities cohort, or rely on the regional leaders to help devise a plan to best meet the region’s needs.

Specific Region Needs/Assets

We realize that in bringing the Academy to any location we are coming to a place that has many of their own assets and potentially perceived needs. Please tell us about some of the good work that has been happening in your region, what the region may see as potential needs in principal professional development, and most importantly, why the Minnesota Principals Academy seems to be a good fit for your region at this time.