MEd Applied Behavior Analysis student
Vanderbilt University
BA with honors
Special education major Developmental psychology minor

Personal Quote of the year
“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” – Nelson Mandela
If I were an intervention, which one would I be?
Play-based Intervention
Research Interests
- Inclusive education for all learners and efficacy of current practices
- Multimodal communicative methods and interactions of minimally-verbal autistic children
- Teacher preparation for learners with ASD in the classroom
Current Projects
- Social interaction development of autistic individuals and siblings
- Designing Autism Evidence-Based Practice Modules for Caregivers: A Focus Group Analysis
- Inclusive Education for Learners with Autism: A Qualitative Study of Stakeholders
- Pilot testing of caregiver training modules for Chinese caregivers of children with autism
- Interaction analysis of a caregiver/autistic child dyad during communicative repair
- Audio/podcast training modules for caregivers of children with autism
Publications and Presentations
Pan, Q., Bak., M. Y. S., Johnson, L. D., Bell., L. S., & Dumas, N. G. (in press). Social interaction development of autistic individuals and siblings: A systematic review. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Dueñas, A. D., Bak, M. Y. S., Reilly, A. M., Pan, Q., D’Agostino, S., Kunze, M., Bell, L. S., & Dumas, N. G. (in prep). Designing Autism Evidence-Based Practice Modules for Caregivers: A Focus Group Analysis
Dumas, N. G., Reilly, A. M., & Bak, M. Y. S. (in prep). Inclusive education for learners with autism: A qualitative study of relevant parties.
Dumas, N., Reilly, A. M., & Bak, M. Y. S. (under review). Inclusive education for learners with autism: A qualitative study of relevant parties. Poster presentation at the 2024 Council of Exceptional Children conference. San Antonio, TX, USA.
Freeman, N., Montesano, I., Cail, K., Watson, D., Reilly, A. M., Pan, Q., Bell, L. S., Dumas, N., Onchanu, A., Qiu, H., & Bak, M. Y. S. (under review). Unlocking perspectives: Autistic adults’ attitudes regarding early supports. Presentation at the 2024 International Society for Autism Research conference. Melbourne, Australia.