Elsie Liu

2nd year MA in Special Education, ABA-emphasis student.

Personal quote of the year

“A man with outward courage dares to die; a man with inner courage dares to live.”

If I were an intervention, which one would I be?

Naturalistic Intervention

Research Interests

  1. Social validity and generalizability of evidence-based interventions
  2. Cognitive* Behavior therapy 
  3. Mastery based learning
  4. Data processing/programming

Current Projects

  1. Social validity in applied behavior analysis
  2. Social and ecological validity in parent-mediated evidence-based interventions for individuals with autism
  3. What caregivers want to know: A focus group analysis of Chinese caregivers of children with autism
  4. Pilot testing of caregiver training modules for Chinese caregivers of children with autism
  5. Interaction analysis of a caregiver/autistic child dyad during communicative repair
  6. Audio/podcast training modules for caregivers of children with autism

Publications and Presentations

Pan, Q., Reilly, A. M., Liu, X., & Bak, M. Y. S. (under review). Social validity trends in applied behavior analysis: An update.

Reilly, A. M., Liu, X., & Bak, M. Y. S. (accepted). Inclusion of Social Validity Assessment in Autism Evidence-Based Practices. Poster presentation at the 2024 International Conference on Positive Behavior Support. Chicago, IL, USA.

Reilly, A. M., Liu, X., & Bak, M. Y. S. (under review). Social and ecological validity in parent-implemented interventions. Poster presentation at the 2024 Association for Behavior Analysis International: Autism conference. Las Vegas, NV, USA.

Yang, Y., Pan, Q., Xin, Y., Liu, X., Qiu, H., Reilly, A. M., Bak, M. Y. S., & Dueñas, A. D. (in prep). What caregivers want to know: A focus group analysis of  Chinese caregivers of children with autism.