Current Projects
Our projects are a combination of faculty, student and other research lab collaborations. For reference student authors are underlined in the below project titles.
Monn, E., Beavis, H. S., & McComas, J. J. (2024). Social Communication During Play Across Language Environments in Nonvocal Preschool-Age Children with ASD from English and Non-English Speaking Families. Journal of Behavioral Education, 1-22.
Browne, C., Meyer, P., Kistler, D., McComas, J.J. (under review) Testing the effects of the teach back method with instructional staff to increase procedural fidelity of instruction for children with disabilities. [Unpublished master’s thesis]. University of Minnesota
Zhu, K., Baney, R., Kolb, R., Almalki, M., Legacy, C., & McComas, J.J.(in progress) A Survey of Practitioners’ Perception and Practice in Applied-Behavior-Analysis-Based Service Delivery. [Unpublished master’s thesis]. University of Minnesota
Troupe, T., Zhu, K., Legacy, C., & McComas, J.J. (in progress) Precursors in Self Injurious Behavior (SIB): Teaching alternative communication methods to replace SIB. [Unpublished master’s thesis] University of Minnesota
Smith, M & McComas, J.J. (in progress) The effects of video models on social skills of a young child diagnosed with Autism. [Unpublished master’s thesis] University of Minnesota
Johnson, K., Troupe, T., & McComas, J.J. (in progress) Pica exchange: Reducing pica in children with ASD by teaching them to exchange inedible items for edible items. [Unpublished master’s thesis] University of Minnesota
Wu, Y., McComas, J. J. (2024) (in progress) The Effects of Motivational Interviewing on Caregivers’ Adherence to Behavior Support Plans in Applied Behavior Analysis. [Unpublished master’s thesis]. University of Minnesota
Girtler, S., Hanson, L., & McComas, J. J. (in preparation). Using behavior skills training to promote caregivers’ generalized skill instruction with adults with intellectual and developmental disorders
Unholz-Bowden, E. K., Kolb, R., & McComas, J. J. (in preparation). A latency-based functional analysis of self-injurious behavior coached via telehealth: A single case demonstration with an autistic adolescent.
Unholz-Bowden, E. K., Kolb, R., & McComas, J. J. (in preparation). Teaching independent communication and vocational skills to a young autistic minimally vocal adult.
Presentations & Conference Presence
Wu, Y., Brown, K., Hurd, A., Moore, T. (May 2024). Treatment Adherence in Behavior Analysis Literature Before and After Allen & Warzak: A Rapid Review. ABAI 50th Annual Convention. Philadelphia, PA.
Baney, R., Johnson, J., McMahon, B., McComas, J.J., Beavis, H.S., & Kolb, R. (2024) Incorporating Autistic Perspectives to Maximize Benefits and Minimize Harms of ABA Services: An Interactive Discussion. Behavior Analysis Association Michigan. Ypsilanti, MI.
Read a brief review here
McGlynn, C., Kolb, R., McMahon, B., Reilly, A., Zhu, K., Beavis, H.S., Browne, C., McComas, J.J., Wu, Y. (2024) Obtaining Assent in Service Provision for Autistic Individuals: An Interactive Discussion. Autism Society of Minnesota. Bloomington, MN.
Alumni projects
Unholz-Bowden, special ed PhD student, awarded SEAB Grad Student Translational Research Grant