Surveys from Start to Finish


Jennie Zumbusch, MPP

Jennie Zumbusch, MPP has over 10 years of evaluation and applied research experience. Before joining CAREI she held the position of Director of Evaluation and Accountability for Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS). Her four years at MPS and an additional two years at the non-profit and foundational partner to MPS, AchieveMpls, provide her with extensive experience of how data systems and evaluations work within school district and non-profit contexts. Prior to working at MPS she conducted evaluations with the American Institutes for Research. Ms. Zumbusch is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in Education Policy and Leadership at the University of Minnesota in the Executive Cohort program.


The 3.5 hours will be split into seven mini 30-minute modules to take you from start to finish with surveys:

  1. Introductions and why surveys
  2. Writing surveys: what to do
  3. Writing surveys: what not to do/common pitfalls
  4. Online administration
  5. Paper administration
  6. Basic analysis
  7. Reporting and communicating


This workshop is very practical in nature. It will cover some technical survey writing components, but will also go over tricks and tips to administer and analyze survey for optimal use.