
Want more detailed information? Access the full draft agenda here.

Tuesday 12 Nov

4:30-5:00: Introduction to ISEE and the workshop agenda
5:00-7:00 (short break at 6): Mapping the current evaluation education space with Jean King and Amy Gullickson. Short presentations and discussion.

Wednesday 13 Nov

8:30: Processing from Tuesday, Intro to Wednesday
9:00-9:45: Developing collaboration. Case study working group example with Leanne Kallemeyn and team.
9:45-10:00: Break
10:00-11:30: Breakout working groups based on topics and priorities identified thus far.
11:30: Lunch
12:15-1:45: Social Justice meets evaluation education with Laurie Stevahn and Jean King. Activity and discussion.
2:00-2:30: Next steps. Discussion and planning.
2:30: Adjourn for AEA opening keynote.