The political situation regarding the Afghan evacuees was at the forefront of media outlets as American troops left Afghanistan a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately, interest as a country has died down and it is more important now than ever to come together as a society and support the Afghan evacuees, who will now have to restart their lives after possible exposure to continuous trauma. As part of the International Rescue Committee, Switchboard is hosting a training on October 26th at 1pm CST to provide context, as well as share the strengths and needs of Afghan evacuees.
★ What will this webinar cover?
This webinar will provide an overview of events leading to the displacement of Afghan newcomers to the U.S. (also known as evacuees from Afghanistan). It will also cover the social and cultural aspects that distinguish this population from other refugee groups in the United States. This foundational information will help participants be better positioned to properly support newly arrived Afghans through services that align with their socio-cultural strengths and needs. Attendees will also have the opportunity to ask questions of a panel composed of qualified experts on the topic.
★ Is this webinar for me?
This webinar will be useful for all resettlement service providers who will be working with incoming Afghan clients, including humanitarian parolees, Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) holders, and others. The webinar will also be beneficial for community members who are interested in learning about the latest developments in Afghanistan and the various intersecting struggles Afghan new arrivals may face post-resettlement, for the purposes of easing and facilitating their transition to life in the U.S.
★ Why Should I attend?
After attending this 90-minute webinar, you will be able to:
• Define “Afghan newcomers” and recognize the events that have led to their displacement;
• Name basic cultural guidelines related to “do’s” and “don’ts” when interacting with Afghan clients;
• Name expectations and misconceptions about resettlement services in the United States that you may encounter among Afghan clients; and
• Communicate with the Afghan newcomers more effectively using provided tips and guidelines.
★ Link to Webinar Registration (Oct 26 1pm CST)