Current Research Team

 Catherine Solheim, PhD

Dr. Catherine Solheim is a Professor and Director of Graduate Students in the University of Minnesota’s Department of Family Social Science. Her research agenda seeks to understand refugee resettlement and adjustment processes, particularly how refugee families learn about and navigate the complex financial environment in which they now live, as they cope with many additional stressors inherent to resettlement. She is also interested in how families build and sustain family relationships across national boundaries. Her work in this area currently focuses on how families are impacted by deportation. Dr. Solheim is also committed to scholarship and engagement that explores the impacts of globalization on families, communities, culture in northern Thailand. Click here to learn more about Dr. Solheim’s work.

Elizabeth Wieling, PhD, LMFT

Dr. Elizabeth Wieling is a Professor and Marriage and Family Therapy Program Director in the University of Georgia’s Department of Human Development and Family Science. Her research agenda aims to develop multi-component systemic-oriented interventions that cut across individual, family, and community levels for populations exposed to mass trauma – particularly related to war and organized violence. She investigates preventive and clinical intervention models that demonstrate efficacy, as well as effectiveness, with systematically marginalized and disenfranchised families in the U.S. and abroad. Dr. Wieling is collaborating with U.S. and international teams of interdisciplinary researchers to develop a research agenda focused on global mental health for populations affected by traumatic stress. Click here to learn more about Dr. Wieling’s work.

Jaime Ballard, PhD

Dr. Jaime Ballard is an independent community researcher with a research agenda focusing on supporting families affected by trauma and toxic stress. Dr. Ballard has developed community-engaged interventions to support families, including culturally appropriate, trauma-informed parenting interventions with Karen refugees in St. Paul. Since 2018, Dr. Ballard has coordinated partnerships with immigrant and refugee community agencies for the Family Social Science Immigrant & Refugee families research team.

Zamzam Dini, MA

Graduate Program: Ph.D., Couple and Family Therapy at the University of Minnesota

Research interests: The intergenerational transmission of trauma in families | Historical and racial trauma | Refugee trauma | BIPOC mental health

Miguel Quiñones, BS

Graduate Program: MA/Ph.D., Family Social Science – Family Science Specialization at the University of Minnesota

Research interests: Latino family well-being | How Latino families’ socioeconomic situations affect their financial practices

Nusroon Fatiha, MA

Graduate Program: Ph.D., Family Social Science – Family Science Specialization at the University of Minnesota

Research interests: Parent-child relationships | Family health | Behavioral health | Disease prevention | Health intervention

Andrea Trejo

Graduate Program: Ph.D., Human Development and Family Science – Marriage and Family Therapy emphasis at the University of Georgia

Research Interests: Integrated Care | Latinx Immigrant, Refugee, and Asylum Seeker Health Disparities and Outcomes | LEP Families’ Quality of Care in Pediatric Specialty Care | Healthcare Workforce Development