
It has been a pleasure to work with doctoral students interested in research with immigrant and refugee families. Thank you to the University of Minnesota Family Social Science alumni listed below, who we are fortunate to have collaborated with in the past few years. We are grateful to call each of you colleagues!

Lekie Dwanyen

Gretchen Buchanan

Pooja Brar, Ph.D.

Daniel Cooper, Ph.D.

Veronica Deenanath, Ph.D.

Katherine Wickel Didericksen, Ph.D.

Carrie Hanson-Bradley, Ph.D.

Blendine Perreire Hawkins, Ph.D.

Robyn Kelly

Elsa Kraus

Dung Mao, Ph.D.

Chris Mehus, Ph.D.

Nicholas Newstrom, Ph.D.

Alize Rattenni, M.A.

Kirsten Lind Seal, Ph.D.

Jordan St. Charles, M.A.

Damir Utržan, Ph.D.

Matthew Witham, Ph.D.